Burnout pdf redalyc scielo

The main goal of the present study is to analyze the burnout syndrome levels sb and the perception of the professional quality of life cvp according to the typology andor personality styles of torgensen 1995 and some sociodemographic and sociooccupational variables. Burnout en estudiantes universitarios scielo colombia. The social distance critical to alleviate the spread of covid19 is quite insufficient. The aim of thestudy was to measure the frequency of burnout in general practitioners gps from. The burnout syndrome is a set of workrelated symptoms related to weariness and exhaustion, in response to the emotional stress at work andits consequences. Indice1 introduccion2 sintomas3 causas4 tratamiento5 bibliografia facebook twitter linkedin autora. Intern in managing nursing services at the regional do norte do parana. The importance of studying occupational stress and burnout has led to an increase in the scientific productivity in these areas during the last years. Medicina y seguridad del trabajo 2011 med segur trab internet 2011. Riesgo psicosocial intralaboral y burnout en docentes. Avelina galan bernardo, xenia maria gonzalez rodriguez y nevada coto mejido. The pubmed, science direct, psycinfo, scielo, lilacs and web of science databases were searched without language or date restrictions. Physical, psychological and occupational consequences of job. Burnout professionals physician emergency medical services prevalence abstract background.

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